Privacy Policy

The Envy website uses cookies to improve your browsing experience.

What are cookies: Cookies are small files or files that are transferred to the User’s computer/smartphone/tablet when accessing certain web pages and that allow the User’s browsing preferences to be saved, making the interaction between the User and the Site faster and easier.

We use third-party cookies (Google analytics) for statistical purposes. They do not contain personal information and are used to improve the User’s experience on the Website. Its purpose is to collect general information about visits to the site, number of visitors, time spent on the site, pages clicked on or where visitors came from.

The User may at any time access the configuration of his browser to modify and/or block the installation of cookies sent from the Site, without this preventing access to the contents.

Data collection through the contact form

On the “Contacts & Reservations” page, there is a contact form with data collection: Name, Company, Telephone Email, and number of People. This contact form is intended for sending contact requests and information for Events. Envy will keep and maintain for the necessary period the information sent via the form for evaluating contact requests.

On the “Gift Cards“ page, there is a form with data collection: Name of the Sender, Name of the Recipient, Telephone, Email, and option to attach a file to confirm the payment of the Gift Card. This form is intended for the purchase of a Gift Card. Envy will conserve and maintain for the necessary period the information sent via the order confirmation and reservation form.

If the data subject wishes to exercise his right to erase his personal data and information provided by him, he may request this request via email:

Links para outros Sites

O site Envy contém ao longo dos seus conteúdos, hiperligações (links) para páginas de outros websites. O Envy não se responsabiliza pelas políticas de privacidade desses mesmos websites. Recomendamos que, quando acedam a outros websites, consultem a informação respectiva das suas políticas de privacidade.


Através das hiperligações (links) , disponibilizamos uma ligação rápida e cómoda para efectuar reserva no nosso restaurante. Os links dessa página direcionam o Utilizador para um outro website onde está disponível uma ferramenta de gestão de reservas, da responsabilidade do TheFork cuja respectiva política de privacidade poderá consultar aqui.

Toda a informação e dados pessoais facultados por si ou a que o Envy tenha acesso através da aplicação de reservas TheFork destinam-se exclusivamente para fins ligados à prestação do serviço. O mesmo acontece com os dados do formulário para aquisição do Gift Card. O Envy não transmite essas informações a terceiros e garante toda a sua confidencialidade.

Links to Other Sites

The Envy website contains, throughout its contents, hyperlinks (links) to pages on other websites. Envy is not responsible for the privacy policies of those websites. We recommend that, when accessing other websites, you consult the respective information in their privacy policies.


Through the hyperlinks (links), we provide a quick and convenient connection to make a reservation at our restaurant. The links on this page direct the User to another website where a reservation management tool is available, under the responsibility of TheFork, whose respective privacy policy can be consulted here.

All information and personal data provided by you or to which Envy has access through TheFork booking application are intended exclusively for purposes related to the provision of the service. The same happens with the form data for acquiring the Gift Card. Envy does not transmit this information to third parties and guarantees its complete confidentiality.